The question most people initially ask about the G Block Show is what does the G in G Block Show stand for? Understandably most assume it must be good, ha ha but it actually stands for gossip.
Another question we get a lot from people that watch G Block Show videos is about the puppets. People will say they love the puppets but what made us decide to use puppets in place of the real people? Some want to know what the real people on the show actually look like, among other things.
Well, the reason puppets are used on the G Block Show, as well as our other show videos, such as Dr. Dang and Preacher Preacher is, that in addition to the belief that puppets are much more fun to watch, it is because just one voice actor, (Kevin Wolf), is voicing all of the "characters".
By the way, all of the puppet characters are part of the Portland Puppets, (a message making business consisting of around 70 different character puppets and voices).
Now that you know about the G and the puppets let me tell you about the show itself. The G Block Show is a show about a podcast show and Very Sulty and his side kicks, (which aren't always same characters), mostly sit in amazement of Very's commentary and they occasionally chime in with a comment or two.
Very Sulty aka Captain Sulty is a retired commercial airline pilot who was at one time a combat pilot, (Watch the "Pilot Video" aka. 'Nose Dive' for an understanding of his name.).
The G Block Show is supposed to be a weekly lampooning of one of those weekly tabloids, you'll find at the check out line of your neighborhood grocery store but Very always goes way beyond having fun with the tabloids and you just never know where he'll finally end up. In fact he does this to such an extent that what we've come to call 'Sulty Side Tracks' often make up more of the show's content than the actual lampooning of the tabloids.
The side kicks/friends of the G Block Show change from time to time because they are only there for the fun and aside from donuts and coffee, that they never eat or drink, they receive no compensation. Since they receive no compensation they are under no obligation to be there. Theirs is what we call in the business...a drop in/drop out position. So, as with Very's commentary the entire show is predictably unpredictable.
Despite Very Sulty's wry and very salty wit, he's kinda like a good cough drop in that he conveys a strangely soothing warmth. And you're sure to find that listening to him is a like the relief you feel from scratching an itch! This is Very's irresistible appeal and it explains why many say they find the show to be highly addictive. Some even say they will listen to shows they've already heard again and again.
As for the future of the G Block Show it is our hope that soon we will incorporate the G Block Show into a show we will call 'It's A Sulty life'. So, stay tuned for that.
Well, there you have the G Block Show in a nutshell. We hope you will enjoy the G Block Show even more now that you know a bit of its "back story". And of course we hope you will tell others about the G Block Show and spread the fun.
Speaking of spreading the fun be sure to check out our Sulty e-card & e-ad service. Everyone loves a 'Sulty'!
From all of us at the G Block Show....thank you! We appreciate your support.
G Block Show
Portland, OR 97220
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